andrewlb notes

Week 14 in 2024


Marketing Course

  • Week started with a marketing course put on by Iværksætterdanmark, focused on using social media marketing.
  • Bunch of interesting take aways, and a chance to connect with my contact there as well
  • Highlighted how much work I need to do to get that piece in place — including setting up my social assets and gameplan for Megafauna.


  • Got confirmation of my certification from Animas, which was a big excitement. The certification lives here!
  • New coaching clients and intros coming up, which is exciting.

Map Building

  • Starting to build out a map of locations within Copenhagen for workshops and visitors
  • Built in LeafletJS, it's going to live on this site and hopefully should help you the next time you need to book an offsite or workshop space in Copenhagen!


  • I was interviewed briefly by Bloomberg TV about living in the UN17 Village in Copenhagen
  • Working on a list of recommendations for Copenhagen visitors, specifically for those hoping to host workshops or retreats here
  • Some CAD work for the upcoming card deck