andrewlb notes

Week 13 in 2024


A New Puppy

  • My dog (a greyhound named Moon) passed away this passed summer, and we've been planning on getting a new dog for some time.
  • Nell, an 8 week old whippet puppy, joined us on Monday. It's been predictably chaotic.

Short Week

  • Because of Nell and easter weekend, this was a very short week.
  • The primary focus was on researching a research grant opportunity (plus one or two others), following up on some leads, and finally locking in my accounts.

Open Source Start

  • I started on a small open source project over the weekend to better learn Node-Red.
  • You can take a look at it here:
  • This one is just for learning, but expect a few more in the future to support more immersive workshop experiences.

Academic Connections

  • One of the advantages of being a Canadian living in Denmark is the rich network shared between the two arctic nations
  • There's a pretty interesting research project that seems very much in the Megafauna wheelhouse, so applying for that became a priority.