andrewlb notes

Week 12 in 2024


Details Details

  • Still lots of work on the business admin sidem, including taxes and the like.
  • Getting a business bank account in Denmark is fun, but almost finished that process.
  • Getting these Week Notes up and going has been a nice focus as well.
  • Reaching out to different DK business community connections, as well as from my alma mater at the University of Leicester.


  • I've been working to relaunch my newsletter, and that work is almost finished and ready for the first week of April.
  • I'm anticipating next week to be a bit wild due to a new puppy joining our household, so tempering expectations there.

Custom Automations

  • Got Node-Red set up as my automation platform of choice. I've gone back and forth between ActivePieces, N8N, and Zapier, but ultimately none of them really hit the right model for me.
  • Node-Red is self hosted, has a Grist plugin (which can also be self-hosted), and the actual plugin development process is pretty intuitive.
  • I'll be working on some node-red code contributions, and will share those as we go.

Disrupted Home Week

  • My wife and son were both sick this week, so care duties were amped up a bit this week.
  • My wife and I have been using the Fairplay Deck since our son was born to plan out our scope of responsibilities, and did a refresh of that this week in light of the new business and our getting a new puppy this month.