andrewlb notes

Make Your Own Rules


Make Your Own Rules


  • Author: Andrew Huang
  • Full Title: Make Your Own Rules
  • Category: #books


  • A blank slate, like a “dummy”—something able to have anything projected onto it—is the least relatable creature of all. (Location 36)
  • In sixth-grade music class, though, kids were told to just eject it right onto the floor. Dribbling onto the faded blue music room carpet, it mixed with the drool of a thousand students who had come before: a multigenerational tapestry. (Location 283)

public: true

title: Make Your Own Rules longtitle: Make Your Own Rules author: Andrew Huang url: , source: kindle last_highlight: 2024-02-11 type: books tags:

Make Your Own Rules



  • Author: Andrew Huang
  • Full Title: Make Your Own Rules
  • Category: #books


  • A blank slate, like a “dummy”—something able to have anything projected onto it—is the least relatable creature of all. (Location 36)
  • In sixth-grade music class, though, kids were told to just eject it right onto the floor. Dribbling onto the faded blue music room carpet, it mixed with the drool of a thousand students who had come before: a multigenerational tapestry. (Location 283)