andrewlb notes

Hardcore Software


Hardcore Software




  • The title of the book, Hardcore Software, comes from the college recruiting tagline used when I was recruited to Microsoft and for some time after. The poster read, “Stop fooling around. It’s time to get hardcore about software. With Microsoft.” (Location 247)
  • Prompted by that Time article, my mother, Marsha, told me that computers were a fine hobby, but she reminded me that I wanted to be a doctor. (Location 337)

public: true

title: Hardcore Software longtitle: Hardcore Software author: Steven Sinofsky url: , source: kindle last_highlight: 2024-06-05 type: books tags:

Hardcore Software




  • The title of the book, Hardcore Software, comes from the college recruiting tagline used when I was recruited to Microsoft and for some time after. The poster read, “Stop fooling around. It’s time to get hardcore about software. With Microsoft.” (Location 247)
  • Prompted by that Time article, my mother, Marsha, told me that computers were a fine hobby, but she reminded me that I wanted to be a doctor. (Location 337)