andrewlb notes

Templater Snippets


Templater Snippets



  • Author: Zach Young
  • Full Title: Templater Snippets
  • Category: #articles
  • Summary: Templater snippets provide useful tips and tricks for using Templater in Obsidian. The snippets cover topics such as updating frontmatter, escaping frontmatter in templates, reusing values from prompts or suggesters, and finding and replacing content in another file. By following these guidelines, users can make the most of Templater's features and improve their template workflows in Obsidian.
  • URL:


  • Suggester for tags This script will show a modal with a searchable list of tags you can select from. null This variation will remove the # symbol from the tags, for use in YAML (since the # symbol denotes a comment and will not work in YAML). null (View Highlight)