andrewlb notes

On Dromomania


On Dromomania



  • Author:
  • Full Title: On Dromomania
  • Category: #articles
  • Summary: The author reflects on their extensive travel experiences and muses on the addictive nature of constant movement and novelty in travel. They discuss the downsides of excessive travel, such as the loss of roots and the illusion of seeking fulfillment through constant movement. The text also explores how travel can lead to a biased perspective, diminishing returns on experiences, and the challenge of finding genuine, non-repeatable experiences worth sharing.
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  • My friends who hate traveling also tell me that if you live in the right place, everyone worth knowing will come to you anyways. This is mostly true. (View Highlight)
  • Most foreign things are romanticised to be better, they are not actually better. A prime example of this is with food, where the best ingredients are no longer consumed where they are produced. (View Highlight)
  • If you know too much about what you want to seek, you will only engineer the illusion of it. (View Highlight)
  • “Building roots” is a phrase I hear thrown around a lot, and people want it too much. Once you start traveling, you can begin to get a routine anywhere, but this is an illusion. You will have no roots beyond what you have kept up from before. Maybe this is good though. (View Highlight)
  • When doing short trips, making sure you “do” enough is usually top of mind, but in indefinite travel, it is the opposite. I believe that treating the aggregation of hotels you stay at as a single home is the only way to obtain this ultimate state. Making itineraries and doing too much research infringes on clarity of mind (View Highlight)
  • over wanting. (View Highlight)
    • Note: Over wanting, addiction, “seeky"