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Design Fiction as Pedagogic Practice


Design Fiction as Pedagogic Practice


  • Author: matthewward
  • Full Title: Design Fiction as Pedagogic Practice
  • Category: #articles
  • Summary: Design Fiction has become popular in design education. It involves using fiction to envision new possibilities. The practice helps students think creatively and explore the impact of design decisions.
  • URL:


  • I’m fully located in the ‘all design is fiction’ camp, so I’m not a big fan of nomenclature and niche land grabs. (View Highlight)
  • stop and think about the amount of consultancy work that has been presented to clients but never made it off the production line. The sheer volume of objects that have been proposed, considered and rejected (View Highlight)
  • Things that work don’t create interesting stories (View Highlight)

public: true

title: Design Fiction as Pedagogic Practice longtitle: Design Fiction as Pedagogic Practice author: matthewward url:, source: reader last_highlight: 2024-06-03 type: articles tags:

Design Fiction as Pedagogic Practice



  • Author: matthewward
  • Full Title: Design Fiction as Pedagogic Practice
  • Category: #articles
  • Summary: Design Fiction has become popular in design education. It involves using fiction to envision new possibilities. The practice helps students think creatively and explore the impact of design decisions.
  • URL:


  • I’m fully located in the ‘all design is fiction’ camp, so I’m not a big fan of nomenclature and niche land grabs. (View Highlight)
  • stop and think about the amount of consultancy work that has been presented to clients but never made it off the production line. The sheer volume of objects that have been proposed, considered and rejected (View Highlight)
  • Things that work don’t create interesting stories (View Highlight)