andrewlb notes

Product Leadership


Product Leadership



  • more about the soft skills of persuasion, negotiation, storytelling, vision setting, and communication. (Location 446)
  • Modern product management was conceived in 1931 with a memo written by Neil H. McElroy at Procter & Gamble. (Location 460)
  • They focused on understanding their customers’ needs and finding a way to fulfill those needs using the classic “four p’s” of marketing: the right product, in the right place, at the right price, using the right promotion (Location 496)
  • However, in most tech organizations, marketing has evolved to be more about owning the brand and customer acquisition, while product owns the value proposition and development. (Location 508)
  • “Are your product discovery and delivery teams empowered to change the company’s vision, strategy, culture, and processes?” (Location 562)
  • Melissa Perri, CEO of Produx Labs, (Location 580)
  • product leaders are “the implementers of the company vision,” always pushing the company forward by “focusing on what is most important to the company — what do we want to accomplish as a business and what do we need to do to get there?” (Location 608)
  • “When you’re a product manager,” says Norton, “you’re generally not the boss. You need to gain authority through your actions and your leadership skills, not your role.” (Location 623)
  • “Makers are different, sometimes difficult or weird. In a product team we are all makers, and so the personality challenges that you deal with — how you build a team, how you align personalities within that team, and then how you motivate them — are very different.” (Location 672)
  • It’s a role where you synthesize and figure out with each of those leaders’ expertise how you can make the most effective strategy.” (Location 703)
  • product leader is not the source of all the answers. In such a dynamic environment it’s simply not possible to have all the answers. (Location 706)
  • The results indicated that prioritizing roadmapping decisions without market research was by far the biggest, followed by being stretched too thin, dealing with executives, hiring and developing talent, and aligning strategy. (Location 726)

public: true

title: Product Leadership longtitle: Product Leadership author: Richard Banfield, Martin Eriksson, Nate Walkingshaw url: , source: kindle last_highlight: 2023-09-13 type: books tags:

Product Leadership




  • more about the soft skills of persuasion, negotiation, storytelling, vision setting, and communication. (Location 446)
  • Modern product management was conceived in 1931 with a memo written by Neil H. McElroy at Procter & Gamble. (Location 460)
  • They focused on understanding their customers’ needs and finding a way to fulfill those needs using the classic “four p’s” of marketing: the right product, in the right place, at the right price, using the right promotion (Location 496)
  • However, in most tech organizations, marketing has evolved to be more about owning the brand and customer acquisition, while product owns the value proposition and development. (Location 508)
  • “Are your product discovery and delivery teams empowered to change the company’s vision, strategy, culture, and processes?” (Location 562)
  • Melissa Perri, CEO of Produx Labs, (Location 580)
  • product leaders are “the implementers of the company vision,” always pushing the company forward by “focusing on what is most important to the company — what do we want to accomplish as a business and what do we need to do to get there?” (Location 608)
  • “When you’re a product manager,” says Norton, “you’re generally not the boss. You need to gain authority through your actions and your leadership skills, not your role.” (Location 623)
  • “Makers are different, sometimes difficult or weird. In a product team we are all makers, and so the personality challenges that you deal with — how you build a team, how you align personalities within that team, and then how you motivate them — are very different.” (Location 672)
  • It’s a role where you synthesize and figure out with each of those leaders’ expertise how you can make the most effective strategy.” (Location 703)
  • product leader is not the source of all the answers. In such a dynamic environment it’s simply not possible to have all the answers. (Location 706)
  • The results indicated that prioritizing roadmapping decisions without market research was by far the biggest, followed by being stretched too thin, dealing with executives, hiring and developing talent, and aligning strategy. (Location 726)