andrewlb notes

Killing Gravity


Killing Gravity




  • someone is going to use my name, I’d rather it was because they know me, not because my face is in their database. (Location 286)
  • stackheads tend not to have an internal monologue, so you’ve got to listen to every dumb thought that goes through their heads; it’s a side effect of them wanting to record everything but not having figured out how to capture thoughts. (Location 293)
  • Euphemisms gain strength by hiding the truth. (Location 899)
  • “I’ve got a corvette, an AI, a weird cat-thing, and no weapons,” I say to Seven, using a problem-solving trick that engineers have relied on for hundreds of year. “I’ve got to go up against six ships to rescue three friends. All right, three people, but they’re people who wouldn’t be in this shit if it wasn’t for me.” (Location 1137)

public: true

title: Killing Gravity longtitle: Killing Gravity author: Corey J. White url: , source: kindle last_highlight: 2023-10-17 type: books tags:

Killing Gravity




  • someone is going to use my name, I’d rather it was because they know me, not because my face is in their database. (Location 286)
  • stackheads tend not to have an internal monologue, so you’ve got to listen to every dumb thought that goes through their heads; it’s a side effect of them wanting to record everything but not having figured out how to capture thoughts. (Location 293)
  • Euphemisms gain strength by hiding the truth. (Location 899)
  • “I’ve got a corvette, an AI, a weird cat-thing, and no weapons,” I say to Seven, using a problem-solving trick that engineers have relied on for hundreds of year. “I’ve got to go up against six ships to rescue three friends. All right, three people, but they’re people who wouldn’t be in this shit if it wasn’t for me.” (Location 1137)