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Designing Wargames - Introduction


Designing Wargames - Introduction


  • Author: George Phillies
  • Full Title: Designing Wargames - Introduction
  • Category: #books


  • A game that reflects warfare must to some extent reflect the basic elements of real war: movement, combat, weapons, tactics, strategy, supply, intelligence, training and doctrine, morale, command control, research and development and technology, production, resources, and national support base. (Location 166)

public: true

title: Designing Wargames - Introduction longtitle: Designing Wargames - Introduction author: George Phillies url: , source: kindle last_highlight: 2023-06-08 type: books tags:

Designing Wargames - Introduction



  • Author: George Phillies
  • Full Title: Designing Wargames - Introduction
  • Category: #books


  • A game that reflects warfare must to some extent reflect the basic elements of real war: movement, combat, weapons, tactics, strategy, supply, intelligence, training and doctrine, morale, command control, research and development and technology, production, resources, and national support base. (Location 166)