andrewlb notes

Design for Dasein


Design for Dasein


  • Author: Thomas Wendt
  • Full Title: Design for Dasein
  • Category: #books


  • Design involves doing philosophy with the hands. This statement paraphrases an introduction Allan Chochinov gave for Cameron Tonkinwise at a small presentation in New York City. Allan mentioned that Cameron came from a background in philosophy before studying design, and explained that design is simply “doing philosophy with your hands.” (Location 68)
  • Design involves the enacting of theory through the body. (Location 71)
  • phenomenology is a framework that emphasizes praxis as a means of knowledge and understanding. (Location 97)
  • Movements like Lean Startup and Lean User Experience have done an excellent job of emphasizing the importance of customer insight. And yet, they are easily bastardized into biased methods that end up reinforcing the shallow assumptions they set out to eradicate. On the other end of the spectrum, academic design research is often perceived as esoteric and disconnected from design practice. (Location 133)
  • If technology is a means of understanding the world, then how we design technology becomes massively important. (Location 157)

public: true

title: Design for Dasein longtitle: Design for Dasein author: Thomas Wendt url: , source: kindle last_highlight: 2023-06-28 type: books tags:

Design for Dasein



  • Author: Thomas Wendt
  • Full Title: Design for Dasein
  • Category: #books


  • Design involves doing philosophy with the hands. This statement paraphrases an introduction Allan Chochinov gave for Cameron Tonkinwise at a small presentation in New York City. Allan mentioned that Cameron came from a background in philosophy before studying design, and explained that design is simply “doing philosophy with your hands.” (Location 68)
  • Design involves the enacting of theory through the body. (Location 71)
  • phenomenology is a framework that emphasizes praxis as a means of knowledge and understanding. (Location 97)
  • Movements like Lean Startup and Lean User Experience have done an excellent job of emphasizing the importance of customer insight. And yet, they are easily bastardized into biased methods that end up reinforcing the shallow assumptions they set out to eradicate. On the other end of the spectrum, academic design research is often perceived as esoteric and disconnected from design practice. (Location 133)
  • If technology is a means of understanding the world, then how we design technology becomes massively important. (Location 157)