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The Making of a Manager


The Making of a Manager


  • Author: Julie Zhuo
  • Full Title: The Making of a Manager
  • Category: #books


  • THE NEW BOSS A team is welcoming you as its new leader, which is no small achievement! If you find yourself in this situation, you probably have past management experience. Organizations rarely hire untested managers to oversee already established teams. Assuming that the job isn’t completely new to you, there are still some nuances to be aware of. (Location 629)
  • These topics are easier to discuss up front before you’ve settled into patterns and routines. In your first few one-on-one meetings, ask your reports the following questions to understand what their “dream manager” looks like. What did you and your past manager discuss that was most helpful to you? What are the ways in which you’d like to be supported? How do you like to be recognized for great work? What kind of feedback is most useful for you? Imagine that you and I had an amazing relationship. What would that look like? (Location 655)

public: true

title: The Making of a Manager longtitle: The Making of a Manager author: Julie Zhuo url: , source: kindle last_highlight: 2022-01-31 type: books tags:

The Making of a Manager



  • Author: Julie Zhuo
  • Full Title: The Making of a Manager
  • Category: #books


  • THE NEW BOSS A team is welcoming you as its new leader, which is no small achievement! If you find yourself in this situation, you probably have past management experience. Organizations rarely hire untested managers to oversee already established teams. Assuming that the job isn’t completely new to you, there are still some nuances to be aware of. (Location 629)
  • These topics are easier to discuss up front before you’ve settled into patterns and routines. In your first few one-on-one meetings, ask your reports the following questions to understand what their “dream manager” looks like. What did you and your past manager discuss that was most helpful to you? What are the ways in which you’d like to be supported? How do you like to be recognized for great work? What kind of feedback is most useful for you? Imagine that you and I had an amazing relationship. What would that look like? (Location 655)