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Rituals for Virtual Meetings


Rituals for Virtual Meetings



  • In Sufism, the concept of bast-i zaman articulates the possibility of expanding time within a set time. (Location 530)
  • Research shows that when people are using video conferencing during virtual meetings, they experience a different cognitive load. As psychiatrist Emily Williams described, with videoconferencing, we both have too much and too little. We have too much of the illusion of presence and too little of the information that comes with physical presence (Petriglieri, 2020). There can be slight delays that throw you off. We’re not sure how long to look, where to look, and when to do so. (Location 582)
  • Rituals are acts that we perform with intention following a pattern. They involve a symbolism that helps us invest and harvest meaning in those special moments (Ozenc and Hagan, 2019). (Location 642)

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title: Rituals for Virtual Meetings longtitle: Rituals for Virtual Meetings author: Kursat Ozenc and Glenn Fajardo url: , source: kindle last_highlight: 2022-03-16 type: books tags:

Rituals for Virtual Meetings




  • In Sufism, the concept of bast-i zaman articulates the possibility of expanding time within a set time. (Location 530)
  • Research shows that when people are using video conferencing during virtual meetings, they experience a different cognitive load. As psychiatrist Emily Williams described, with videoconferencing, we both have too much and too little. We have too much of the illusion of presence and too little of the information that comes with physical presence (Petriglieri, 2020). There can be slight delays that throw you off. We’re not sure how long to look, where to look, and when to do so. (Location 582)
  • Rituals are acts that we perform with intention following a pattern. They involve a symbolism that helps us invest and harvest meaning in those special moments (Ozenc and Hagan, 2019). (Location 642)