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Text Analytics With Python


Text Analytics With Python



  • Author: Dipanjan Sarkar
  • Full Title: Text Analytics With Python
  • Category: #books


  • Table 3-1 Parts of Speech Tags Sl No. TAG DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE(S) 1 CC Coordinating conjunction and, or 2 CD Cardinal number five, one, 2 3 DT Determiner a, the 4 EX Existential there there were two cars 5 FW Foreign word d'hoevre, mais 6 IN Preposition/subordinating conjunction of, in, on, that 7 JJ Adjective quick, lazy 8 JJR Adjective, comparative quicker, lazier 9 JJS Adjective, superlative quickest, laziest 10 LS List item marker 2) 11 MD Verb, modal could, should 12 NN Noun, singular or mass fox, dog 13 NNS Noun, plural foxes, dogs 14 NNP Noun, proper singular John, Alice 15 NNPS Noun, proper plural Vikings, Indians, Germans (Location 3250)
  • 16 PDT Predeterminer both cats 17 POS Possessive ending boss's 18 PRP Pronoun, personal me, you 19 PRP$ Pronoun, possessive our, my, your 20 RB Adverb naturally, extremely, hardly 21 RBR Adverb, comparative better 22 RBS Adverb, superlative best 23 RP Adverb, particle about, up 24 SYM Symbol %, $ 25 TO Infinitival to how to, what to do 26 UH Interjection oh, gosh, wow 27 VB Verb, base form run, give 28 VBD Verb, past tense ran, gave 29 VBG Verb, gerund/present participle running, giving 30 VBN Verb, past participle given 31 VBP Verb, non-third person singular present I think, I take 32 VBZ Verb, third person singular present he thinks, he takes 33 WDT Wh-determiner which, whatever 34 WP Wh-pronoun, personal who, what 35 WP$ Wh-pronoun, possessive whose 36 WRB Wh-adverb where, when 37 NP Noun phrase the brown fox 38 PP Prepositional phrase in between, over the dog 39 VP Verb phrase was jumping 40 ADJP Adjective phrase warm and snug 41 ADVP Adverb phrase also 42 SBAR Subordinating conjunction whether or not 43 PRT Particle up 44 INTJ Interjection hello 45 PNP Prepositional noun phrase over the dog, as of today 46 -SBJ Sentence subject the fox jumped over the dog 47 -OBJ Sentence object the fox jumped over the dog (Location 3278)

public: true

title: Text Analytics With Python longtitle: Text Analytics With Python author: Dipanjan Sarkar url: , source: kindle last_highlight: 2020-02-21 type: books tags:

Text Analytics With Python



  • Author: Dipanjan Sarkar
  • Full Title: Text Analytics With Python
  • Category: #books


  • Table 3-1 Parts of Speech Tags Sl No. TAG DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE(S) 1 CC Coordinating conjunction and, or 2 CD Cardinal number five, one, 2 3 DT Determiner a, the 4 EX Existential there there were two cars 5 FW Foreign word d'hoevre, mais 6 IN Preposition/subordinating conjunction of, in, on, that 7 JJ Adjective quick, lazy 8 JJR Adjective, comparative quicker, lazier 9 JJS Adjective, superlative quickest, laziest 10 LS List item marker 2) 11 MD Verb, modal could, should 12 NN Noun, singular or mass fox, dog 13 NNS Noun, plural foxes, dogs 14 NNP Noun, proper singular John, Alice 15 NNPS Noun, proper plural Vikings, Indians, Germans (Location 3250)
  • 16 PDT Predeterminer both cats 17 POS Possessive ending boss's 18 PRP Pronoun, personal me, you 19 PRP$ Pronoun, possessive our, my, your 20 RB Adverb naturally, extremely, hardly 21 RBR Adverb, comparative better 22 RBS Adverb, superlative best 23 RP Adverb, particle about, up 24 SYM Symbol %, $ 25 TO Infinitival to how to, what to do 26 UH Interjection oh, gosh, wow 27 VB Verb, base form run, give 28 VBD Verb, past tense ran, gave 29 VBG Verb, gerund/present participle running, giving 30 VBN Verb, past participle given 31 VBP Verb, non-third person singular present I think, I take 32 VBZ Verb, third person singular present he thinks, he takes 33 WDT Wh-determiner which, whatever 34 WP Wh-pronoun, personal who, what 35 WP$ Wh-pronoun, possessive whose 36 WRB Wh-adverb where, when 37 NP Noun phrase the brown fox 38 PP Prepositional phrase in between, over the dog 39 VP Verb phrase was jumping 40 ADJP Adjective phrase warm and snug 41 ADVP Adverb phrase also 42 SBAR Subordinating conjunction whether or not 43 PRT Particle up 44 INTJ Interjection hello 45 PNP Prepositional noun phrase over the dog, as of today 46 -SBJ Sentence subject the fox jumped over the dog 47 -OBJ Sentence object the fox jumped over the dog (Location 3278)