andrewlb notes

Our Women on the Ground


Our Women on the Ground



  • Without the female perspective the full picture simply cannot be painted, and often—particularly in the Middle East and the Arab world—female protagonists can be given a voice only by other women. Women can enter places and speak to people their male colleagues simply cannot. Sometimes they can ask questions that would not be tolerated from their male counterparts. (Location 130)
  • When I speak before Western audiences about my years covering the war in Iraq as a journalist for McClatchy Newspapers, someone inevitably asks, “What was it like to be a woman over there?” “Well, I’ve never been there as a man, so I’m not sure I can compare,” is the clever way some of my friends reply to the same question. (Location 324)

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title: Our Women on the Ground longtitle: Our Women on the Ground author: Zahra Hankir and Christiane Amanpour url: , source: kindle last_highlight: 2020-05-26 type: books tags:

Our Women on the Ground




  • Without the female perspective the full picture simply cannot be painted, and often—particularly in the Middle East and the Arab world—female protagonists can be given a voice only by other women. Women can enter places and speak to people their male colleagues simply cannot. Sometimes they can ask questions that would not be tolerated from their male counterparts. (Location 130)
  • When I speak before Western audiences about my years covering the war in Iraq as a journalist for McClatchy Newspapers, someone inevitably asks, “What was it like to be a woman over there?” “Well, I’ve never been there as a man, so I’m not sure I can compare,” is the clever way some of my friends reply to the same question. (Location 324)