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Invisible Women


Invisible Women




  • A recent Australian analysis found that the optimum length of paid maternity leave for ensuring women’s continued participation in paid labour was between seven months to a year,68 and there is no country in the world that offers properly paid leave for that length of time. (Location 1311)
  • around 85% of US women have no form of paid leave. (Location 1359)
  • Men who take paternity leave tend to be more involved in childcare in the future102 – perhaps explaining why a 2010 Swedish study found that a mother’s future earnings increase by an average of 7% for every month of leave taken by the father. (Location 1423)
  • You can get $30 for takeout if you work late (because your wife isn’t there to cook you dinner) or $30 for Scotch if you want to drink your face off, but you can’t get $30 for a sitter (because your wife is at home with the kids).’ In the event, Bovasso was able to get her company to cover the cost of her childcare – but as she points out, ‘these have been exceptions I’ve had to ask for’. Which is women all over: always the exception, never the default. (Location 1509)
  • More than 40% of women leave tech companies after ten years compared to 17% of men.13 A report by the Center for Talent Innovation found that women didn’t leave for family reasons or because they didn’t enjoy the work.14 They left because of ‘workplace conditions’, ‘undermining behaviour from managers’, and ‘a sense of feeling stalled in one’s career’. (Location 1569)
  • When students have an emotional problem, it is their female professors, not their male professors they turn to. (Location 1620)
  • having communal characteristics included in your letter of recommendation makes it less likely that you will get the job,48 particularly if you’re a woman: while ‘team-player’ is taken as a leadership quality in men, for women the term ‘can make a woman seem like a follower’.49 Letters of recommendation for women have also been found to emphasise teaching (lower status) over research (higher status); (Location 1701)

public: true

title: Invisible Women longtitle: Invisible Women author: Caroline Criado Perez url: , source: kindle last_highlight: 2020-01-13 type: books tags:

Invisible Women




  • A recent Australian analysis found that the optimum length of paid maternity leave for ensuring women’s continued participation in paid labour was between seven months to a year,68 and there is no country in the world that offers properly paid leave for that length of time. (Location 1311)
  • around 85% of US women have no form of paid leave. (Location 1359)
  • Men who take paternity leave tend to be more involved in childcare in the future102 – perhaps explaining why a 2010 Swedish study found that a mother’s future earnings increase by an average of 7% for every month of leave taken by the father. (Location 1423)
  • You can get $30 for takeout if you work late (because your wife isn’t there to cook you dinner) or $30 for Scotch if you want to drink your face off, but you can’t get $30 for a sitter (because your wife is at home with the kids).’ In the event, Bovasso was able to get her company to cover the cost of her childcare – but as she points out, ‘these have been exceptions I’ve had to ask for’. Which is women all over: always the exception, never the default. (Location 1509)
  • More than 40% of women leave tech companies after ten years compared to 17% of men.13 A report by the Center for Talent Innovation found that women didn’t leave for family reasons or because they didn’t enjoy the work.14 They left because of ‘workplace conditions’, ‘undermining behaviour from managers’, and ‘a sense of feeling stalled in one’s career’. (Location 1569)
  • When students have an emotional problem, it is their female professors, not their male professors they turn to. (Location 1620)
  • having communal characteristics included in your letter of recommendation makes it less likely that you will get the job,48 particularly if you’re a woman: while ‘team-player’ is taken as a leadership quality in men, for women the term ‘can make a woman seem like a follower’.49 Letters of recommendation for women have also been found to emphasise teaching (lower status) over research (higher status); (Location 1701)