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Design, Ecology, Politics


Design, Ecology, Politics


  • Author: Joanna Boehnert
  • Full Title: Design, Ecology, Politics
  • Category: #books


  • We are embedded within non-human nature1 and dependent on ecological systems for life, but our belief systems do not reflect this basic relationship. Consequently, the world we have designed is deeply unsustainable. (Location 159)
  • Design is a practice that functions to mediate social relations. Typically, it reproduces the values and priorities of those who determine which design problems are to be addressed. The interests of powerful groups are manifested in design. (Location 170)
  • In theory and practice we must work with the three ecologies (human subjectivity, social relations and the environment) simultaneously. (Location 197)
  • Design is a field that mediates the subjective realm (the mental ecology). (Location 227)
  • When design does engage with issues of sustainability, this engagement typically remains shallow due to a narrow basis of analysis in design theory and education. (Location 238)
  • The supposedly ‘neutral’ designer is typically the most unaware of their own ideological assumptions and allegiances to power, normative values and the status quo. (Location 240)
  • Humankind has not yet learned how to use technology on scale in ecologically benign ways. (Location 286)

public: true

title: Design, Ecology, Politics longtitle: Design, Ecology, Politics author: Joanna Boehnert url: , source: kindle last_highlight: 2020-07-20 type: books tags:

Design, Ecology, Politics



  • Author: Joanna Boehnert
  • Full Title: Design, Ecology, Politics
  • Category: #books


  • We are embedded within non-human nature1 and dependent on ecological systems for life, but our belief systems do not reflect this basic relationship. Consequently, the world we have designed is deeply unsustainable. (Location 159)
  • Design is a practice that functions to mediate social relations. Typically, it reproduces the values and priorities of those who determine which design problems are to be addressed. The interests of powerful groups are manifested in design. (Location 170)
  • In theory and practice we must work with the three ecologies (human subjectivity, social relations and the environment) simultaneously. (Location 197)
  • Design is a field that mediates the subjective realm (the mental ecology). (Location 227)
  • When design does engage with issues of sustainability, this engagement typically remains shallow due to a narrow basis of analysis in design theory and education. (Location 238)
  • The supposedly ‘neutral’ designer is typically the most unaware of their own ideological assumptions and allegiances to power, normative values and the status quo. (Location 240)
  • Humankind has not yet learned how to use technology on scale in ecologically benign ways. (Location 286)