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Critical Design in Context


Critical Design in Context


  • Author: Matt Malpass
  • Full Title: Critical Design in Context
  • Category: #books


  • In critical design practice, designers reject a role for industrial design that is limited to the production of objects conceived solely for fiscal gain and technological development. It seeks to avoid conventional production and consumption, offering an alternative use of industrial design. Instead, they propose that product and industrial design1 can be used to mobilize debate and inquire into matters of concern through the creative processes involved when designing objects. They propose that the forms of interaction that occur within the design process, and through a user’s engagement with design work, can bring into relief issues by the materialization of these issues in objects and the experiences afforded. (Location 194)
  • In critical design practice, the principles, methods, and tactics of design are extended towards an application for design that offers more than a service-based relationship between a client and a designer. In doing this, it applies strategies that challenge the limits of design. These designs act as a form of critique and argument that is established through the design of objects and through the communication of an object’s narrative of use. This is achieved through processes of making and production, scenario building, and storytelling. (Location 201)

public: true

title: Critical Design in Context longtitle: Critical Design in Context author: Matt Malpass url: , source: kindle last_highlight: 2020-01-24 type: books tags:

Critical Design in Context



  • Author: Matt Malpass
  • Full Title: Critical Design in Context
  • Category: #books


  • In critical design practice, designers reject a role for industrial design that is limited to the production of objects conceived solely for fiscal gain and technological development. It seeks to avoid conventional production and consumption, offering an alternative use of industrial design. Instead, they propose that product and industrial design1 can be used to mobilize debate and inquire into matters of concern through the creative processes involved when designing objects. They propose that the forms of interaction that occur within the design process, and through a user’s engagement with design work, can bring into relief issues by the materialization of these issues in objects and the experiences afforded. (Location 194)
  • In critical design practice, the principles, methods, and tactics of design are extended towards an application for design that offers more than a service-based relationship between a client and a designer. In doing this, it applies strategies that challenge the limits of design. These designs act as a form of critique and argument that is established through the design of objects and through the communication of an object’s narrative of use. This is achieved through processes of making and production, scenario building, and storytelling. (Location 201)