andrewlb notes

Woken Furies


Woken Furies



  • You’re looking for conspiracy when all you’ve got is incompetence.” (Location 1209)
  • The autograpple system talked to the sockets on the dock, agreed trajectory, and fired home. (Location 1233)
  • If the facts are against you, she said, but you cannot bear to cease believing—then at least suspend judgment. Wait and see.” (Location 5427)

public: true

title: Woken Furies longtitle: Woken Furies author: Richard K. Morgan url: , source: kindle last_highlight: 2018-02-16 type: books tags:

Woken Furies




  • You’re looking for conspiracy when all you’ve got is incompetence.” (Location 1209)
  • The autograpple system talked to the sockets on the dock, agreed trajectory, and fired home. (Location 1233)
  • If the facts are against you, she said, but you cannot bear to cease believing—then at least suspend judgment. Wait and see.” (Location 5427)