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The Book of the Unnamed Midwife


The Book of the Unnamed Midwife



  • Author: Meg Elison
  • Full Title: The Book of the Unnamed Midwife
  • Category: #books


  • Some people had been waiting their whole lives to live lawlessly, and they were the first to take to the streets. Some people knew that would happen; they knew better than to open their doors when they heard cries of help. (Location 110)
  • Nobody chooses to be a victim, but after a lifetime of practice, it just happens. She wanted that look off her now. She’d have to work on it. (Location 373)
  • Walk tall, keep hips straight. Don’t sway. Feet flat. Hunch a little, arms straight down. Don’t gesture. Stare down. Make fists while talking. Sit with knees apart. Adjust. Don’t tilt your head. (Location 463)
  • Every day I remember what Chicken said = nothing to do now but survive. Doing that now, but it’s not the only thing. Can’t be. Just gotten to the point where it feels too hard to keep trying. Every woman in labor says she can’t do it. Couldn’t stop what was happening, but I could make it easier. All the same. (Location 875)
  • She gave herself the luxury of a few days of madness. They were dark and deep and held in them the wreck of the entirety of civilization. It crumbles in the individual as it does in the world. (Location 884)
  • It does no good to tell a beautiful woman how beautiful she is. If she already knows, it gives her power over the fool who tells her. If she does not, there is nothing that can be said to make her believe it. Dusty did not know everything, but she knew that. (Location 2552)
  • “Good old Planned Parenthood. Saved my life.” (Location 3935)
  • Without birth, life is only that wait. (Location 4194)

public: true

title: The Book of the Unnamed Midwife longtitle: The Book of the Unnamed Midwife author: Meg Elison url: , source: kindle last_highlight: 2018-01-08 type: books tags:

The Book of the Unnamed Midwife



  • Author: Meg Elison
  • Full Title: The Book of the Unnamed Midwife
  • Category: #books


  • Some people had been waiting their whole lives to live lawlessly, and they were the first to take to the streets. Some people knew that would happen; they knew better than to open their doors when they heard cries of help. (Location 110)
  • Nobody chooses to be a victim, but after a lifetime of practice, it just happens. She wanted that look off her now. She’d have to work on it. (Location 373)
  • Walk tall, keep hips straight. Don’t sway. Feet flat. Hunch a little, arms straight down. Don’t gesture. Stare down. Make fists while talking. Sit with knees apart. Adjust. Don’t tilt your head. (Location 463)
  • Every day I remember what Chicken said = nothing to do now but survive. Doing that now, but it’s not the only thing. Can’t be. Just gotten to the point where it feels too hard to keep trying. Every woman in labor says she can’t do it. Couldn’t stop what was happening, but I could make it easier. All the same. (Location 875)
  • She gave herself the luxury of a few days of madness. They were dark and deep and held in them the wreck of the entirety of civilization. It crumbles in the individual as it does in the world. (Location 884)
  • It does no good to tell a beautiful woman how beautiful she is. If she already knows, it gives her power over the fool who tells her. If she does not, there is nothing that can be said to make her believe it. Dusty did not know everything, but she knew that. (Location 2552)
  • “Good old Planned Parenthood. Saved my life.” (Location 3935)
  • Without birth, life is only that wait. (Location 4194)