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Design as Art


Design as Art


  • Author: Bruno Munari
  • Full Title: Design as Art
  • Category: #books


  • There should be no such thing as art divorced from life, with beautiful things to look at and hideous things to use. If what we use every day is made with art, and not thrown together by chance or caprice, then we shall have nothing to hide. (Location 157)
  • Anyone who uses a properly designed object feels the presence of an artist who has worked for him, bettering (Location 162)
  • When the objects we use every day and the surroundings we live in have become in themselves a work of art, then we shall be able to say that we have achieved a balanced life. (Location 183)
  • He is a planner with an aesthetic sense. (Location 185)
  • A leaf is beautiful not because it is stylish but because it is natural, created in its exact form by its exact function. A designer tries to make an object as naturally as a tree puts forth a leaf. (Location 209)
  • He does not smother his object with his own personal taste but tries to be objective. (Location 210)
  • It is planning: the planning as objectively as possible of everything that goes to make up the surroundings and atmosphere in which men live today. (Location 247)
  • An object should now be judged by whether it has a form consistent with its use, whether the material fits the construction and the production costs, whether the individual parts are logically fitted together. It is therefore a question of coherence. (Location 253)
  • ‘The basic teaching error of the academy was that of directing its attention towards genius rather than the average.’ (Bauhaus) (Location 262)

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title: Design as Art longtitle: Design as Art author: Bruno Munari url: , source: kindle last_highlight: 2018-03-19 type: books tags:

Design as Art



  • Author: Bruno Munari
  • Full Title: Design as Art
  • Category: #books


  • There should be no such thing as art divorced from life, with beautiful things to look at and hideous things to use. If what we use every day is made with art, and not thrown together by chance or caprice, then we shall have nothing to hide. (Location 157)
  • Anyone who uses a properly designed object feels the presence of an artist who has worked for him, bettering (Location 162)
  • When the objects we use every day and the surroundings we live in have become in themselves a work of art, then we shall be able to say that we have achieved a balanced life. (Location 183)
  • He is a planner with an aesthetic sense. (Location 185)
  • A leaf is beautiful not because it is stylish but because it is natural, created in its exact form by its exact function. A designer tries to make an object as naturally as a tree puts forth a leaf. (Location 209)
  • He does not smother his object with his own personal taste but tries to be objective. (Location 210)
  • It is planning: the planning as objectively as possible of everything that goes to make up the surroundings and atmosphere in which men live today. (Location 247)
  • An object should now be judged by whether it has a form consistent with its use, whether the material fits the construction and the production costs, whether the individual parts are logically fitted together. It is therefore a question of coherence. (Location 253)
  • ‘The basic teaching error of the academy was that of directing its attention towards genius rather than the average.’ (Bauhaus) (Location 262)