andrewlb notes

Designing Bots


Designing Bots


  • Author: Amir Shevat
  • Full Title: Designing Bots
  • Category: #books


  • The biggest value of the bot here is that users are already accustomed to getting notifications through their messaging apps, so the engagement rates are much higher. (Location 202)
  • consumer bots need to be memorable while business bots need to be as transparent and minimal as possible. (Location 325)
  • The key is not to teach the user how to fill in a form, or to take them to the right page, but rather to recognize the user’s intent (what does the user wish to do?) and to guide them in accomplishing that intent. (Location 670)
  • If I were to make a recommendation to any aspiring bot entrepreneur, it would be to invest equally in the natural language generation part of the challenge, rather than put all of your resources in the natural language understanding end of the equation. (Location 1011)

public: true

title: Designing Bots longtitle: Designing Bots author: Amir Shevat url: , source: kindle last_highlight: 2017-11-24 type: books tags:

Designing Bots



  • Author: Amir Shevat
  • Full Title: Designing Bots
  • Category: #books


  • The biggest value of the bot here is that users are already accustomed to getting notifications through their messaging apps, so the engagement rates are much higher. (Location 202)
  • consumer bots need to be memorable while business bots need to be as transparent and minimal as possible. (Location 325)
  • The key is not to teach the user how to fill in a form, or to take them to the right page, but rather to recognize the user’s intent (what does the user wish to do?) and to guide them in accomplishing that intent. (Location 670)
  • If I were to make a recommendation to any aspiring bot entrepreneur, it would be to invest equally in the natural language generation part of the challenge, rather than put all of your resources in the natural language understanding end of the equation. (Location 1011)