- Author: Neal Stephenson
- Full Title: Seveneves
- Category: #books
- He was already thinking about the videos he was going to make to teach his baby about calculus when he climaxed. (Location 1409)
- small victory for robotdom by putting her flock to work getting the surviving Luks squared away. (Location 1705)
- “We are just proceeding adaptively to leverage our core competencies.” (Location 1929)
- One of the few appealing things about him was that he had figured out that his personality was a problem and, in classic “get it done” style, had hired a coach to make him less of an asshole. She could see that working in his face. (Location 2299)
- But try explaining to a grizzled cosmonaut why being disruptive was a good thing. (Location 2723)
public: true
title: Seveneves longtitle: Seveneves author: Neal Stephenson url: , source: kindle last_highlight: 2015-09-04 type: books tags:
- Author: Neal Stephenson
- Full Title: Seveneves
- Category: #books
- He was already thinking about the videos he was going to make to teach his baby about calculus when he climaxed. (Location 1409)
- small victory for robotdom by putting her flock to work getting the surviving Luks squared away. (Location 1705)
- “We are just proceeding adaptively to leverage our core competencies.” (Location 1929)
- One of the few appealing things about him was that he had figured out that his personality was a problem and, in classic “get it done” style, had hired a coach to make him less of an asshole. She could see that working in his face. (Location 2299)
- But try explaining to a grizzled cosmonaut why being disruptive was a good thing. (Location 2723)