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Behavior in Public Places


Behavior in Public Places



  • Author: Erving Goffman
  • Full Title: Behavior in Public Places
  • Category: #books


  • the study of ordinary human traffic and the patterning of ordinary social contacts, has been little considered. It is well recognized, for instance, that mobs can suddenly emerge from the peaceful flow of human traffic, if conditions are right. But little concern seems to have been given to the question of what structure this peaceful intercourse possesses when mob formation is not an issue. (Location 61)
  • Yet it might be argued that one of the best guides to a systematic understanding of the observable conduct of mental patients in and out of hospitals, and of others’ response to this conduct, is to be found in etiquette manuals. (Location 90)
  • Nor do these two variables, a type of approval and a type of disapproval, in their various combinations, complete the picture. The whole matter is further complicated by the fact that these two variables often refer not to concrete kinds of acts, such as the raising of one’s hat to a lady, but to classes of acts, the members of which are phenomenally different but normatively equivalent and substitutable in the setting. And even these classes are themselves of various sizes. (Location 102)

public: true

title: Behavior in Public Places longtitle: Behavior in Public Places author: Erving Goffman url: , source: kindle last_highlight: 2012-08-21 type: books tags:

Behavior in Public Places



  • Author: Erving Goffman
  • Full Title: Behavior in Public Places
  • Category: #books


  • the study of ordinary human traffic and the patterning of ordinary social contacts, has been little considered. It is well recognized, for instance, that mobs can suddenly emerge from the peaceful flow of human traffic, if conditions are right. But little concern seems to have been given to the question of what structure this peaceful intercourse possesses when mob formation is not an issue. (Location 61)
  • Yet it might be argued that one of the best guides to a systematic understanding of the observable conduct of mental patients in and out of hospitals, and of others’ response to this conduct, is to be found in etiquette manuals. (Location 90)
  • Nor do these two variables, a type of approval and a type of disapproval, in their various combinations, complete the picture. The whole matter is further complicated by the fact that these two variables often refer not to concrete kinds of acts, such as the raising of one’s hat to a lady, but to classes of acts, the members of which are phenomenally different but normatively equivalent and substitutable in the setting. And even these classes are themselves of various sizes. (Location 102)