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Truth, Lies, and Advertising


Truth, Lies, and Advertising


  • Author: Jon Steel
  • Full Title: Truth, Lies, and Advertising
  • Category: #books


  • "at the heart of an effective creative philosophy is the belief that nothing is so powerful as an insight into human nature, what compulsions drive a man, what instincts dominate his action, even though his language so often camouflages what really motivates him. For if you know these things about [a] man you can touch him at the core of his being." (Location 72)
  • The best and most effective advertising is that which sets out to invo/ve consumers, both in its communication and in the process of developing its message. (Location 74)
  • The best advertising solutions, almost without exception, represent the combination of skills and ideas from clients, creative people, and consumers alike. A planner representing consumer opinions in the absence of an insightful client and talented creative people is unlikely to make any advertising any better. (Location 109)
  • For a start, people choose to experience art, movies, and music, whereas advertising is forced on them. The audience for pure art is self-selecting, but advertising has to find them and draw them in. (Location 270)

public: true

title: Truth, Lies, and Advertising longtitle: Truth, Lies, and Advertising author: Jon Steel url: , source: kindle last_highlight: 2011-01-29 type: books tags:

Truth, Lies, and Advertising



  • Author: Jon Steel
  • Full Title: Truth, Lies, and Advertising
  • Category: #books


  • "at the heart of an effective creative philosophy is the belief that nothing is so powerful as an insight into human nature, what compulsions drive a man, what instincts dominate his action, even though his language so often camouflages what really motivates him. For if you know these things about [a] man you can touch him at the core of his being." (Location 72)
  • The best and most effective advertising is that which sets out to invo/ve consumers, both in its communication and in the process of developing its message. (Location 74)
  • The best advertising solutions, almost without exception, represent the combination of skills and ideas from clients, creative people, and consumers alike. A planner representing consumer opinions in the absence of an insightful client and talented creative people is unlikely to make any advertising any better. (Location 109)
  • For a start, people choose to experience art, movies, and music, whereas advertising is forced on them. The audience for pure art is self-selecting, but advertising has to find them and draw them in. (Location 270)