andrewlb notes

The Art of the Start


The Art of the Start


  • Author: Guy Kawasaki
  • Full Title: The Art of the Start
  • Category: #books


  • Prove your concept. Complete design specifications. Finish a prototype. Raise capital. Ship a testable version to customers. Ship the final version to customers. Achieve breakeven. (Location 344)
  • In big companies, data suppresses antibodies, but it might be too late to get the data once the antibodies appear. (Location 431)

public: true

title: The Art of the Start longtitle: The Art of the Start author: Guy Kawasaki url: , source: kindle last_highlight: 2011-01-12 type: books tags:

The Art of the Start



  • Author: Guy Kawasaki
  • Full Title: The Art of the Start
  • Category: #books


  • Prove your concept. Complete design specifications. Finish a prototype. Raise capital. Ship a testable version to customers. Ship the final version to customers. Achieve breakeven. (Location 344)
  • In big companies, data suppresses antibodies, but it might be too late to get the data once the antibodies appear. (Location 431)