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How We Decide


How We Decide


  • Author: Jonah Lehrer
  • Full Title: How We Decide
  • Category: #books


  • Neuroscientists have known for several years that this region, the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), is involved in the detection of errors. Whenever the dopamine neurons make a mistaken prediction—when they expect juice but don't get it—the brain generates a unique electrical signal, known as error-related negativity. The signal emanates from the ACC, so many neuroscientists refer to this area as the (Location 669)

public: true

title: How We Decide longtitle: How We Decide author: Jonah Lehrer url: , source: kindle last_highlight: 2011-05-19 type: books tags:

How We Decide



  • Author: Jonah Lehrer
  • Full Title: How We Decide
  • Category: #books


  • Neuroscientists have known for several years that this region, the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), is involved in the detection of errors. Whenever the dopamine neurons make a mistaken prediction—when they expect juice but don't get it—the brain generates a unique electrical signal, known as error-related negativity. The signal emanates from the ACC, so many neuroscientists refer to this area as the (Location 669)