andrewlb notes

Rethinking the blog


  • Need to get the public side of how I write closer to how I actually write.
    • Goal is shorter, more easily consumed writing (with references)
    • Doing this will require code
  • The current previous blog I built a few months ago for standard "portfolio/archive" purposes wasn't right; not the right format nor longterm.
    • Need for something that reflects the shearing layer approach
    • Different timespans, etc
  • Unstyled initially, goal is to build out the next components and API to make this work, assuming I'm going to want to rebuild it in a year or two.
    • NextJS (i.e. super comfortable tool); tailwind (meh); 90% serverside; react for the not serverside (or svelte?); SEO-y (tbd)
    • Markdown only for CMS
    • sqlite or grist for anything data related (reference?)

For anyone interested, this is what the vault "looks like"


  • Traditional Essays (Archive)
  • Connected Essay
    • Stem connected, metaphors
  • Shorter snippets
  • Search
  • Reference and citation-focused
  • Image gallery

Launch Reqs

  • List all posts in /blog
  • List all week in /week
  • List all notes in /notes
  • List all reading in /reading
  • Connect all mdx links relatively
    • required for stem
  • Auto-generate stems based on references

For Later

  • Image Gallery
  • Hidden and private notes
  • Auto formatting stems
  • Auto formatting network
  • Node-based censoring
  • Render .canvas inline via react-jsoncanvas
    • This will probably require a custom rehype plugin?